Miami HealthCoach
Personal Training

Miami HealthCoach, (HealthCoach), personal training services combine functional and adaptive physical activities tailor-made to each individual to ensure that people of all shapes, sizes and abilities are able to rejuvenate, strengthen and increase physical fitness endurance with activities that humans evolved with. Personal training services are available in Coconut Grove, Mimai Florida, and in the San Diego Marina District, Little Italy, and Coronado Island – in person, and or remotely through Zoom conferencing. 

Coconut Grove, Miami FL

Coconut Grove Park

South Pointe Beach


San Diego, Marina District

Senior woman in plank position in conservatory


HealthCoach is a 24-hour, 7 day a week accessible lifestyle wellness program that utilizes an evidence-based approach to advance human health and athletic performance through a personalized suite of concierge board certified health & wellness coaching services.

Health History

HealthCoach wellness services includes – medical health history, risk appraisals, cardiology graded exercise test, blood chemistry profiles, heavy metal testing, biomarker assessments, anthropometric measurements, nutrition, and physical activity assessments to assess an individual health status to improve health, flexibility, cardiovascular conditioning, strength and to reduce chronic metabolic disease risk.



HealthCoach engages in low-intensity physical activities to increase flexibility, to reduce the risk of injury, loss of mobility, to to stabilize muscles, improve muscle imbalances which includes stretching exercise to lengthen muscles and improve joint strength – Human are designed to run, walk, sprint, rotate, hold, climb, pull, push, and throw, especially later in life to facilitate healthier longevity.  

Cardiovascular Conditioning

HealthCoach monitors cardiovascular conditioning to improve aerobic capacity through a variety of physical activities – brisk walking, running, sprinting, swimming, cycling and cardiorespiratory strength training. Humans evolved to cover great distance daily. 

Strength Training

HealthCoach utilizes physical activities to increase strength and improve athletic performance – it starts with natural body movements outdoors to include pushups, pull-ups, holding body weight, pulling, pushing, throwing balls for cross-brain exercises, climbing, swimming, and core work to develop stronger muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, which enables individuals to engage in sustained physical and cardiovascular activities with
increase range of motion.

All physical activities are based upon developing long term capacity meaning, you are trained at your current ability and progress slowly from there.  

Chronic Disease Prevention

HealthCoach personal training lifestyle wellness services work synergistically together to reduce and prevent the risk of heart disease, type Il diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, obesity, and cognitive loss which increases life expectancy, mental health and brain wellness.

A complete Cardiology Exam is available upon request.   

Physical Activity Training Program

HealthCoach lifestyle wellness services employ a twice-a-week, three-times-a-week and or a five-times-a-week physical activity training program which typically last on average 1 hour and consist of  flexibility, cardiovascular conditioning, strength and core training coupled with a cool down period covering about 3 miles – and a delicious fresh-pressed organic juice is available at the conclusion of your training session. 

Additional activities are available, such as, tennis, basketball, swimming, and self-defense training.

Valet parking is complementary. 

HealthCoach App

HealthCoach recognizes the significance of proper communication and collaboration in personal training. The Health Coach App provides a secure HIPPA and HITRUST compliant space for patients/clients, health coaches, and physicians to message one another to empower lifestyle change.

Biometric Data

HealthCoach allows the patient/client to login and track personalized biometric data, including steps, weight/ BMI, blood pressure, blood sugar, sleep and more. Devices compatible with the Health Coach App are Fitbit, Apple Watch, Garmin and Google Fit, can sync and upload biometric data for review by physicians and health coaches to quantity improved health outcomes.

Wearable Technology

HealthCoach utilizes an App that is easy to download, connects to wearable devices and smart scale technology to track steps, weight, BMI, blood pressure, heart rate, blood sugar and other biometric data, to evaluate clients’ progress and quantify their health improvement.

It will also allow your personal health coach to securely engage and communicate with the client/patient through text messaging and Zoom calls, to help reshape the client’s lifestyle and maximize their quality of life and happiness.


“Gerald’s personal coaching and daily texts asking what I was eating, how I was exercising etc. was amazing. I had not exercised in over a year and now walk 3-5 miles a day and have been able to maintain a weight loss of 30 Lbs. Gerald’s approach made selection easy because I had choices and he made it interesting!

My life and health was changed by this new, healthy approach to eating and living and I owe it all to Gerald and his personalized approach to weight management and healthy living.”

Ms. D.R., Nurse Practitioner